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  • Stay up to Date!

    Click over to our Facebook page for all current activities and information. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

  • Welcome to Our Church!

    We are glad that you have visited our website and hope that you will do so again. We would love to have you join us in fellowship!

    If you are looking for a church home or are interested in learning more about the life of our congregation, we hope this website will be helpful. We urge you to come visit often to let us get to know each other. We rejoice in the knowledge that God has crossed our paths today!

    As God leads you, we trust you will find that our church is a place where you can experience God´s love for you through worship and service to others. If you do come visit us, please introduce yourself and be sure to sign our guest book.

    Again, thank you for choosing to visit our website today.

Service Info

Welcome to Oakes Methodist Church.

In-person worship is at 11 am on Sunday each week. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month, everyone is welcome. You can also join us live on-line through our church Facebook page or on Youtube.

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to grow in our faith so that our community and the world will see the love and grace of Jesus Christ in and through us. We welcome you to come and worship with us.

If you have any questions regarding service times or the church, give us a call at 701-742-2925.

Our sanctuary is handicap accessible.

Service Times & Directions

Worship Times

Sunday Morning: 11:00 am

Communion 1st Sunday of the month.

Sunday School

9:30 am (September - May)


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210 S 6th Street
Oakes, ND 58474
(701) 742-2925